Friday, June 19, 2009

continuing conversation

Hey Kurt, lets talk, maybe we can get a discussion going here
The Egyptian, my comments in blue


If you could get a younger priest, it might work, but all of the younger priests are going to have parish or cluster assignments. Canon Law limits the number of masses that a priest can say in a day, and I doubt that you'll be able to convince any of the local pastors to change one of their regularly scheduled masses.


Actually Kurt if the TLM is to survive it has to become part of the regular rotation if you will, actually I can't see why giving up one mass would be a problem, our priest Fr Gene, is saying 1 sat night and 2 Sundays and Fr Ken who is retired and unofficially taking the place of Fr Wyen, is also doing 1 sat night and 2 Sunday masses. I don't believe Fr Wyen will be coming back after this stroke, so I don't think giving up one mass will be a big issue


That said, your best bet might be to start by getting one of the retired priests from St. Charles to offer a supplemental mass once a month (e.g., every first Sunday) at one of the under-utilized clustered churches. Of course, you'd also have to train servers and musicians and ensure that those who have never attended the Extraordinary Form liturgy are properly catechized to participate fully (from the pew, I mean).

Actually we would have to start with a low mass, the one most Catholics remember,
little if any music, short and precise, and grow from there, to expect a high mass with all the smells and bells, full chant choir and all right from the gate is unreasonable and does not give the people time to grow in the mass as well. Start off with four or eight good servers and build from there, boys love a challenge if presented to them properly.

You would also need to ensure that the availability was widely advertised through conventional media, word of mouth, and parish bulletins.


agree, but scratch the conventional media


I would probably attend at least once. I'm toying with the idea of taking a Sunday field trip down to Dayton, where one of the parishes offers a mass every Sunday celebrated by a priest of the Fraternity of St. Peter.


Please let me know what you think, one hint, sit up front. The Fraternity makes priests available to other parishes short term to help train and preform Latin Masses. My occupation makes it almost impossible to get away but have done so twice and loved it. once to a parish in Over-The-Rhine. What really caught my attention was a Baptism going on as we came in, in Latin, and on the other side of church was a line of approximately 15 people waiting for confession. At five till the priest ran out of the confessional wearing a full cassock and biretta, made for the sacristy post haste, said Mass, had one of the best sermons I have heard in years. 8 minutes on Thou Shall Keep Holy the Lords Day, made me think but that is for another day. And returned to the confessional within 10 minutes of mass and the line resumed with at least 10 more in line. And I don't believe that priest was much over the age of 30


I am convinced, however, that any priest who celebrates the current mass poorly is going to butcher the old mass just as badly. Conversely, any non-schismatic priest that is willing to perform the liturgy in Latin is likely to celebrate a reverent liturgy in the vernacular.


do you read Fr Z? he seems to get letters from priests claiming that learning or relearning the Latin Mass profoundly effected how they say and experience the NO as well. I loved the young priest that told of how upon returning to his parish after attending a class on the Extraordinary form, he took down the throne that he had placed for himself in front of the tabernacle and sat himself off to the side and reinstated Christ to the front and center of the sanctuary, he never realized how he had made himself the center of attention instead of Christ, this could have the effect of helping many priests.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think a priest from St. Charles would be the way to go. One recently did a Traditional wedding at St. Rose. Fr. Jim in Montezuma knows the TLM as they said not too long ago. Also, Fr. Frank does do a very nice VII mass in Russia on Friday nights. It's not the TLM, but it's close and gives some insight as to what the new mass was supposed to be... not what the American Church has turned it into. I know the FSSP priest in Dayton rather well and he actually said he was going possibly to contact Fr. Frank by mail about saying the TLM. He has been up here and could help train during the week possibly. I still feel that the chapel at the Relic Shrine is the best to have it as it still has all parts intact. A good start would possibly be to run ads in all of the bullitans in the deanery and see if there is intrest before it starts. Set up an e-mail or phone # to gauge the number of people. Just some thoughts. Great discussion here. With the Moto Proprio, the mass will be said up here if there is enough people.