Sunday, December 23, 2007

Former Convent of the Precious Blood Sisters, and relic Chapel

The National Marian Shrine of the Holy Relics was founded in 1875 when Father J.M. Gartner entrusted his collection of relics to the Sisters at Maria Stein.

Housed in a beautiful chapel built in 1892, the collection, with over 1000 relics on display, represents the second largest collection of its type in the United States (after St. Anthony's Chapel in Pittsburg). The Shrine was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1976.

The primary display of relics is in an altar that was hand-carved especially for this purpose. Four beautiful stained-glass windows imported from Munich, Germany and hand- carved woodwork also adorn the Relic Chapel.


Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing this. I am a proud Ohioan hoping to cover some of out other beautiful shrines on our own group blog.

Especially beautiful in Ohio is the National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation in Carey, OH. OL Maria Pocs, the frescoes of OL Queen of the Most Holy Rosary Cathedral in Toledo

I look forward to watching this blog grow. Add a few more posts, I will highlight you on Per Christum.

David B. said...

This is fascinating. I visited Maria Stein a few years ago, and I still remember the visit fondly. I am fascinated by small town/rural Catholic Churches/communities. Since I live in Ohio, I have had the chance to visit some great shrines and churches located "off the beaten path" in Carey, Maria Stein, and Bellevue. I look forward to reading this blog.